



1)アジア太平洋埋立国際会議 札幌2008
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Study on the effect to water sprinking for removal of chemicals from wastes disposed in Closed System Landfill sites Y.Otsuka, K.Ishii, M.Hanashima, T.Furuichi
Laboratory experiment based in in-situ landfill Anaerobic-Aerobic chageover control and water supplying for methane gas collection and waste stabilization I.Norimatsu, Y.Otsuka, J.Chou.Won, K.H.Lee, M.Hanashima,T.Furuichi
Study on 3Rs of wastes and ecological landfills N.Usui, S.Seki, T.Fukumoto, Y.Shimomura, T.Furuichi, M.Hanashima
Research using questionnaire on actual situation of communications with local residents of CS Disposal Facilities M.Kitsuka, I.Kuroshima, S.Kotake, M.Hayashi, M.Hoshino, S.Watanabe, Y.Tsurumi, M.Hanashima, T.Furuichi
Implementation feasibility study on the enlargement of Closed System Disposal Facilities in Japan F.Ohno, M.Hanashima, T.Furuichi
Review and investigative work on Closed System Disposal Facilities in service for an improvement of disposal technologies(Ⅲ) S.Matsumoto, K.Nishiyama, K.Ishii, M.Hanashima, T.Furuichi
A study on land selection and regional development for Closed System Disposal Facilities R.Matsumoto, T.Ichimaru, T.Kato, M.Hanashima, T.Furuichi
Study of the waste stabilization index on Closed Systen Disposal Facilities based on field survey data 2 T.Kohinata, K.Ishii, R.Yanase, M.Hanashima, T.Furuich
Basic study on methodology of selection of a suitable for landfill taking environmental risks into consideration K.Nakaishi, F.Igari, K.Hayashi, Y.Hamada, S.Yokota, T.Furuichi, M.Hanashima
Trap-door tests with slow deformation for Bentonite nixed soil liner K.Kudo, H.Kato, S.Usami, S.Imaizumi, M.Hanashima, T.Furuichi
Changes in barrier systems and leachate treatment technologies for landfill in Japan T.Harada, Y.Nishimura, T.Oshikata, T.Fyryichi, M.Hanashima


2)アジア太平洋埋立国際会議 上海2006
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A study on land selection and regional development for Closed System Disposal Facilities H.Kokubo, K.Matsuoka, T.Katoh, M.Hanashima, T.Furuichi
Proposal of Closed System Disposal Facilities for resource storage H.Kojima, S.Yoshida, K.Ishii, A.Kanda, M.Hanashima, T.Furuichi
Study for communicating way with local resifents towards waste disposal facilities in Japan M.Kitsuka, K.Seo, M.Hanashima, T.Furuichi
Studies on the impact of Closed-System Disposal sites on the outside environment M.Ido, K.Hayashi, Y.Shimomura, M.Hanashima, T.Furuichi
A study on waste stanilization method in Closed System Disposal Facilities Y.Otsuka, K.Ishii, M.Hanashima, T.Furuichi, M.Kawaguchi


3)アジア太平洋埋立国際会議 北九州2004
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A stude on Multi-security System at landfill sites F.Ohno, M.Hanashima, T.Furuichi
Development of Closed System(Covered with Roof etc.) Disposal Facilities in Japan K.Toge, T.Kita, M.Hanashima, T.Furuichi
Research on a method of waste stabilization control in Community and Controllable Closed System Disposal Facilities Y.Otsuka, K.Ishii, M.Hanashima, T.Furuichi
Awareness change through consensus building between adoministraion and local communities on constraction and pteration of disposal facilities with Closed System E.Aonuma, Y.Komiyama, M.Hanashima, T.Furuichi
Proposal of Closed System Disposal Facilities for resource storage S.Yoshida, H.Kojima, K.Ishii, M.Hanashima, T.Furuichi
Flexible properties of asphlt concrete barriers and application to the design of landfills H.Kojima,T.Ito, S.Usami
Astudy in the enlargement of Closed System Disposal Facilities F.Ohno, M.Fujita, M.Hanashima, T.Furuichi
A confirmation test result of the modulus of ground reaction of the cover material for a lea M.Kuroiwa, O.Nahata, S.Ogino, S.Nakajima, M.Fujita
Validation of Closed System Disposal Facilities based on survey data T.Kohinata, K.Ishii, R.Yanase, M.Hanashima, T.Furuichi
Investigations on the behavior of Non-regulated substances in leachates and their control F.Misumi, T.Hirotsu, M.Sakagami
Review and investigation work on Closed System Disposal Facilities in service for an improvement of disposal technology S.Kurono, K.Ushikoshi,M.Hanashima, T.Furuichi
A study on cost reduction of Closed System Disposal Facilities H.Kokubo, K.Kotani, T.Katoh,M.Hanashima, T.Furuichi
Research on the volume and the water quality characteriastic of leaxhate by difference of landfill density Y.Nishimura, K.Miyata, S.Taue, T.Oshikata, S.Park
Renovation method of landfill facilities for the closure/re-use of the inadequate sites against the recent regulation of Japan J.Imai, Y.Sasai, T.Nakamura, M.Ura, M.Kawaguchi
Study on methods for renewing and prolonging the lifetime of existing waste disposal landfills M.Kuwabara,H.Kokubo, T.Kato, N.Usui, S.Nakamura


4)アジア太平洋埋立国際会議 ソウル2002
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The current state and future of landfill technologies in Japan Masataka Hanashima


5)アジア太平洋埋立国際会議 福岡2000
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An experimental investigation on evaluation if seepage control work for solid waste landfill site 3 R.Yamaguchi, M.Ebihara, K.Mizuta
Evaluation of sliding effect on anchorage M.Tsuboi, Y.Doi, S.Imaizumi



1)Sardinia 2009
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Experimental study on slow and fast deformation of Bentnite mixed soil layer K. Kudo, S. Usami, S. Imaizumi, I. Norimatsu, S.Matsuyama
Study on constraction of large capacity Closed System Disposal Facilities in Japan F.Ohno, I.Norimatsu, M.Hanashima and T. Furuichi
Laboratory experiment based on in-situ landfill Anaerobicaerobic changeover control and water supplying for methane gas collection and waste stabilization I.Norimatsu, N.Yamaguchi, S.T.Park, K.H.Lee, K.H.Lee


2)Sardinia 2007
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3)Sardinia 2005
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Durability evaluation of geomembrane liners by outdoor exposure test for 10 years T.Harada, S.Imaizumi, I.Nishizaki, M.Takahashi, T.Kashiwagi
Verification of closed system disposal facilities based on survey data T.Kohinata, K.Ishii, R.Yanase, M.Hanashima, T.Furuichi
Application of optimization theory to waste stabilization control in community and controllable closed disposal facilities Y.Otsuka, K.Ishii, M.Hanashima, T.Furuichi
A confirmation test result of the modulus of ground reaction of the cover material for a leachate collection facility M.Kuroiwa, O.Nahata, S.Ogino, S.Nakajima, M.Fujita, M.Hanashima, T.Furuici
Concentration of Boron in leachates and investigation on the treatment method F.Misumi, T.Hirotsu, M.Sakagami, T.Furuichi, M.Hanashima
The study on method of appropriate site selection considering environmental risk management K.Nakaishi, F.Igari, K.Hayashi, M.Saito, K.Kuwamoto, M.Hanashima
Concept of renovation method of the existing indequate landfills and its applied site J.Imai, M.Mishina, Y.Sasai, M.Ura T.Furuichi, M.Hanashima, M.Kawaguchi
Study on a multi-security system at landfill sites F.Ohno, M.Hanashima, T.Furuichi
A study on benefit and cost effectiveness of closed system disposal facilities H.Kokubo, K.Kotani, T.Katoh, M.Hanashima, T.Furuichi
Methods for Renewal and Prolonging Lifetime of Existing Wastes Disposal Landfills in Japan M.Kuwabara, H.Kokubo, T.Kato, N.Usui, S.Nakamura


4)Sardinia 2003 2001 提出論文なし
5)Sardinia 1999
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The behavior of geomenbranes subject to deformation by settlement of subground S.Usami, S.Imaizumi, M.Tsuboi, S.Matsuyama
Evaluation of geomenbrane stress on slide slope caused by settlement of waste M.Tsuboi, Y.Doi, H.Kanou


廃棄物資源循環学会 研究発表会

1) 第20回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会 2009
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基盤の沈下を模擬した大型土槽実験における遮水シートの変形挙動 宇佐見 貞彦、工藤賢悟、加納光、今泉繁良
クローズドシステム処分場における廃棄物安定化指標の調査研究(その5) 小日向隆、石井一英、柳瀬龍二、花嶋正孝、古市徹
クローズドシステム処分場における散水と埋立方法に関する研究 矢島聡、石井一英、花嶋正孝、古市徹


2) 第19回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会 2008
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3) 第18回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会 2007
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クローズド型処分場の安定化モデルにおけるマクロレベルでの洗出しに関する研究 大塚義一、石井一英、古市 徹、花嶋正孝
変形したベントナイト混合土の遮水性能 宇佐見貞彦、工藤賢悟、今泉繁良、加藤啓樹、柴田健司


4) 第17回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会 2006
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クローズドシステム処分場の安定化促進のための散水方法の検討 大塚義一、石井一英、古市 徹、花嶋正孝
エコ最終処分場に関する研究 臼井直人、大塚義一、宇良直子、朴升鐸、古庄香哉、古田秀雄、横山武史、堀井安雄
最終処分場のPFI 事業化手法における事例研究 猪狩富士夫、西川光善、寺井 和弘
クローズ型最終処分場における外部環境への影響に関する研究 井土 將博、下村 由次郎、林 克彦、亀谷 達哉、高瀬 忠、前田 信行
最終処分場予兆診断システムの提案とカルシウムスケールのトラブル対策について 中村貞義、大寺泰輔
最終処分場に活用するベントナイト混合土の変形性能と設計手法の提案 宇佐見貞彦、工藤賢悟、今泉繁良、加藤啓樹、柴田健司
最終処分場の安全性向上に関する研究 清水禎一、嶽本政宏、福島孝亮 、寺田成人、志々目正高
安定化対処方法、安定化促進工法とその選定方法 弘末文紀、桑本潔、山田裕美、今井淳
クローズドシステム処分場における廃棄物安定化指標の調査研究(その2) 小日向隆、柳瀬龍二、石井一英、花嶋正孝、古市 徹


5) 第16回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会 2005
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クロ-ズドシステム処分場における大型化の研究 大野 文良、藤田 正実
クローズドシステム処分場の廃棄物保管庫としての適用に関する考察 )小嶋平三、吉田清司、石井一英、花嶋正孝、古市 徹
最終処分場の歴史的視点からの考察 -遮水システムの変遷(その1)- 谷澤房郎、瀬尾 潔、原田高志、西村義之、押方利郎
自然降雨に暴露した焼却灰層からの浸出水と処分場の安定化促進 今井 淳、山田裕己、田島直毅、加藤善金、大野文良、堀井安雄(
クローズドシステム処分場における埋立物の安定化のための基礎的研究 大塚義一、塩山昌彦、石井一英、古市 徹、花嶋正孝
クローズドシステム処分場における廃棄物安定化指標の調査研究 小日向隆、柳瀬龍二、石井一英、古市 徹、花嶋正孝


6) 第15回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会 2004
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環境リスクを考慮した適地選定手法に係る基礎的研究 中石一弘、猪狩富士夫、林克彦、桑元潔、齋藤正浩
最終処分場における多重安全システムの研究 大野文良


7) 第14回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会 2003 投稿論文なし
8) 第13回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会 2002
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埋立による遮水シートの引き込み力の評価 坪井正行、宇佐見貞彦、今泉繁良



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